✿ Beading starts at 2:20 ✿ Hi beautiful beaders! These even count peyote stitch rings, made with 11/0 Miyuki Delica beads, have been very popular on my channel. As promised, I am back with my third peyote ring tutorial, and this time it is for the cute floral vine ring pattern you may have seen me wear in some past videos. Hope you enjoy! ✿
✿ Free Printable Peyote Stitch Graph Paper
✿ Materials:
11/0 Miyuki Delica Beads (4 colors)
6lb Fireline – 4-5ft (I used the color Smoke)
Beading Needle – Size 10
Bead Mat
✿ Where do I purchase my Delica beads?
I love to shop online, and I like the price and selection at eurekacrystalbeads.com. You can also find them by doing an internet search, or by shopping your local craft store’s bead section.